General Frequently Asked Questions
Does your site offer a secure checkout?
Yes, we utilize the most up to date secure checkout process and all your personal information is encrypted during the order taking process. SoCal Lit utilizes third party payment processing systems offered by Shopify, Shop, Google, Facebook, Microsoft and other vendors. We DO NOT store your credit card information. All parties follow strict privacy and security measures to ensure that your personal information is kept private and is secure. Please review our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service for more information
How do I know if my order has been shipped?
As soon as we process your order and start the shipment process, you will receive an email with the tracking number so that you will be able to track its progress until you receive it.
Do you ship to International locations?
We currently ship to the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico & India. Please Contact Us if you have a specific request relating to shipment of products to other international destinations. Shipping cost will be provided at checkout and differ from region to region.
How long does it take to get my order?
Products leave our facilities 1-2 days after the order is made and depending on your shipping option, you will receive products in 1-7 days in the U.S and Canada. Other International locations may take a little longer. During peak holiday seasons, Pre-Order products or Out of Sock products may require up to 10 days to ship. Please see the product description for information relating to shipping or contact us to get an estimate.
How long does it take to refunds.
Refunds are typically processed in less than 4-7 business days after receipt of the returned product. Not all items are eligible for refunds and re-stocking fees may apply. Please review the Returns and Exchange Policy for further information.
Deals of the Day/Week - FAQs
SoCal Lit Deal of the Day or Deal of the Week offers low prices on great products from across all of SoCal Lit collections. These online offers are available for up to 1-2 days for Daily Deals or 5-7 days for weekly deals or until they're sold out. No rainchecks.
When are they available?
The deals may post up to 1 day prior and may last up to one day after it has been posted or until all products are sold.
How many deals are available every day?
The number of deals each day varies.
How much does shipping cost?
Shipping costs may vary by deal. Select Deal of the Day/Week products may be limited to Standard Shipping at time of purchase.
Is there a limit to how many I can buy at these prices?
Limits per customer may apply to ensure that as many customers as possible are able to enjoy the savings.
Can I exchange or return a Deal of the Day item?
Yes with limitations and restrictions on some items. Please review the Product Description for any restrictions related to returns or exchanges. A Deal of the Day purchase is the same as any other SoCalLit.com purchase. See our Returns & Refunds policy and procedures on return or exchange qualifications.
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